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San Diego's Premier Youth Breaking Program


Finest City Breaking was established to deliver high-quality instruction and coaching for youth breaking in San Diego, California. Our program offers structured, tactical training that has successfully guided many young bboys and bgirls toward achieving their goals. Participants must demonstrate commitment and a desire to advance their breaking skills. Our highly experienced instructors provide a safe space where kids can build confidence, foster relationships, and train alongside their peers.



Our program is a registered organization with Child of this Culture which ensures that we will hold a safe space, utilize safesport practices, provide general liability, and abuse prevention.

Concrete Wall
FCB Winter 2025.png

Registrations are closed for our Winter session!
Please EMAIL US for late registration details.

2025 Winter Sessions [Jan - Mar]

Coaches / Instructors


EraNetik (Coach Era)

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Founder / Head Coach

Breaking since 2002

Crews: The Calamities / Killafornia​​​​


Sweet Lu (Coach Lu)

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Powermove Coach

Breaking since 2000

Crews: Dynamic Rockers / United Outkast


Dyno Rock (Mr. Dyno)

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Footwork Coach / Fundamentals Instructor

Breaking Since 2000

Crew: Cypher ST8​​


Kid Jav (Mr. Jeff)

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Dynamics Instructor

Breaking since 2006

Crews: Dot Posse / Wild 7s


Poolz (Coach Evan)

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Assistant Coach

Breaking Since 2005

Crews: Dynamic Rockers / Marvel Heroes​​

Blue Gradient


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